

Each license comes with a predefined set of mods: missions, worlds, drones, environmental conditions, and abnormal situations. Each mod is uniquely made with a focus on particular skills.


Основы управления.  Взлёт-посадка

Basic Maneuvers. Takeoff and Landing

Learn the UAV control basics: takeoff and landing. This mission uses manual control and takes place in the training area.

Основы управления.  Тангаж

Basic Maneuvers. Pitch

Learn the UAV control basics: pitch. This mission uses manual control and takes place in the training area.

Основы управления.  Крен и рыскание

Basic Maneuvers. Roll and Yaw

Learn the UAV control basics: roll and yaw. This mission uses manual control and takes place in the training area.

Основы управления. Закрепление базовых элементов управления

Basic Maneuvers. Master the Basics

Time to consolidate the basics you've learned; this mission uses manual control and takes place in the training area. The mod is about testing the basic maneuvers: takeoff and landing, pitch, roll and yaw.

АФС тест

AP Test

Complete an aerial photography mission. Take shots of the world while piloting an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Фермерское хозяйство

Agricultural Site

Use your UAV piloting skills to treat a crop field according to the briefing.

Доставка аптечки первой помощи

First Aid

Emergency service's got a call from a tourist. Take off with the UAV, locate the tourist on their route, and deliver a first aid kit to them. 

Охотник за шариками

Balloon Hunter

Fly in the training area and hit 'em balloons. The task is simple: down all the balloons as fast as you can, or as many as you can within the time limit.

Гонки в промышленной зоне

Industrial Race

This is a racing circuit that mimics an oil refinery. Take the speed challenge: complete the trial with checkpoints and obstacles in a race against time.

FPV трасса

FPV Track

Complete this difficult track with ground obstacles within the time limit while piloting from the first-person view. 

FPV школьный спортзал


Complete time-limited missions while maneuvering between obstacles in a school gym-turned-racetrack, all in the first-person view.

FPV воздушная трасса

FPV Air Track

Complete the obstacle-filled airway within the time limit while piloting from the first-person view.
